To Sell or not to Sell

Published On: 1 May 2017Categories: Useful Tips

So you are married – now what? It’s been a long preparation, which has had its ups and down (all worth it of course!), cost a lot of money in the process, and left you with a spouse, great memories, photos and left over bonbonnieres… And of course you wedding gown, which you can never ever wear again.

Many brides choose to dry clean their wedding gown, and preserve it in a wedding chest and store away for maybe one day their future daughter could wear it. Increasingly many brides are choosing to recover some funds from the big day by re selling their gown on an online market place such as Still White –

Here you can choose from a standard posting, or premium posting and for a one of fee post images of your gown for all to see. You can then arrange the sales through online enquiries, and accept safe and secure payment methods.

If this is an option for you, a real must is to get your gown dry cleaning by a Wedding Gown Specialist such as Master Dry Cleaners. Not only will you get a better prices for your gown, it will be presented good as new for a new bride to enjoy as much as you did!

Although it is not compulsory to list a gown on the site that has not been dry cleaned, it is strongly recommended. It is also strongly recommended by us at Master Dry Cleaners, to dry clean your wedding gown as soon as possible after you wedding. Some stains that you may not notice immediately can oxidise and develop over time, and can cause irreversible damage to fabrics If left untreated these stains can be difficult or impossible to remove, making it near impossible to sell your gown.

As a trusted member of the Association of Wedding Gown Specialist, you can trust Master Dry Cleaners to bring your gown back to life, ready to allow another bride to have the day of their life.

sell your wedding dress

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