The Benefits of Dry Cleaning For Travel

Published On: 29 April 2022Categories: News

The world is beginning to return to normal following years of restrictions in life, particularly around travel. For many of us that now means we are booking that first international holiday, along with hitting the road or airport for domestic travel to visit our favourite holiday spots, seeing family and friends. 

When away from home, laundry and hygienically cleaning your families clothes can become far more complicated than your usual laundry routine. 

With that in mind we have outlined the benefits to using Dry Cleaning whilst Travelling. 


When you are on the road or overseas, you are typically on a tight schedule trying to maximise your leisure time and creating as many amazing memories as possible. Combine this with the fact that you can’t bring your entire wardrobe from home with you and eventually, you are going to run into a supply of clean clothes problem. A local Dry Cleaning service such as wash and fold will allow you to drop off all your dirty laundry, take a few hours to enjoy some down time and then collect your clothes hygienically cleaned and neatly folded, ready for you to resume adventure. As far as holiday investments go, this sounds like a great one to us!

Guaranteed Results

For professionals traveling away with longer work trips, eventually clean suits and shirts are going to run out. The dilemma this presents is that your hotel may have a laundry service, but can you trust they will look after your extensive garments and not damage the fabrics and finish for that next important work meeting? We recommend researching only the most reputable Dry Cleaners in the city you are visiting, where a pick up and delivery service will match convenience with guaranteed results for suit and shirt cleaning in time for your next work meeting.


Airports, travel buses and connecting terminals have long been known as the least hygienic of settings before the global pandemic. Now post Covid, everyone is more aware of the risk to your families health regarding confined spaces with thousands of people transiting through per day. We find that a growing number of families are turning to Dry Cleaning as a hygienic solution to post travel laundry, taking comfort in our hygienic cleaning services removing travel related germs and bacteria from their families garments prior to wearing them again. 

If you are interested in learning more about how you can save time, money and invest in increasing the lifespan of your clothes via the Master Dry Cleaners wash and fold laundry service across our 7 Greater Melbourne locations then click HERE.  

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