Why You Should Consider Dry Cleaning For Your Household Furnishings

Published On: 30 June 2022Categories: News

Dry cleaning is often thought of as a service for clothing, but it can also be used for household furnishings. Dry cleaning will extend the life of your furnishings and is an effective way to remove dirt, dust, and other allergens. If you have never considered dry cleaning for your household furnishings, here are a few reasons why you should.


What is dry cleaning?


Unlike traditional laundry, which uses water and detergent, dry cleaning is a process that does not use water to clean garments. This method uses organic solvents that can lift stains without harming delicate fabrics such as silk, wool, and velvet. The garment is placed in a machine similar to the ones used at home, but it is much more expensive and requires special training.


Why should you consider dry cleaning for your household furnishings?


There are many benefits to dry cleaning beyond simply removing stains and freshening garments and household furnishings.


Extend the life of your household furnishings


It is essential to have your blankets and underlays cleaned on a regular basis if you want to extend their life. If you allow dirt and debris to build up on them, it can be ground into the fabric and cause it to degrade over time. Having your household furnishings cleaned regularly will remove this debris before it has a chance to build up and damage the fabric, helping to prolong their life.


Dry clean your household furnishings to remove allergens


Regularly dry cleaning your household furnishings will remove allergens and help to improve the air quality in your home. This is greatly important for people with allergies, asthma, and other respiratory conditions. Vacuuming your bedding only removes surface dirt and does not take care of the dust, pollen, and pet dander that can reside in it. Having your bedding cleaned regularly will help keep the air in your home clean, allowing you and your family to sleep soundly and to breathe easily.


How often should you dry clean your household furnishings?


It is recommended that you have your household furnishings dry cleaned every six to twelve months. This will help to keep them looking their best and extend their lifespan. However, a few factors can affect how often you should have your furnishings dry cleaned. These include the type of fabric, the amount of traffic in your home, and whether or not you have pets.


If you have any questions about how often you should have your household furnishings dry cleaned, be sure to ask a professional. They can give you specific advice based on your unique situation.


If you’re interested in having your household furnishings dry cleaned, contact Master Dry Cleaners today. You may also try our free home pick up and delivery to maximize convenience and time saved. Contact us to learn more about our dry cleaning services at our 7 Greater Melbourne Dry Cleaning locations.

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